Criminal Defense Lawyers in Clarksville Are on Your Side
If you’re facing criminal charges in Clarksville or greater Montgomery County, Hibbeler & Associates is here to help you navigate the criminal court system and fight the allegations against you. We have experience with many types of criminal cases, and we’ve provided an overview below of what you need to know about hiring a criminal defense attorney for your case.
When you are facing criminal charges, there is no time to waste. Get in touch with an attorney who can represent you when you call our law firm and schedule a free initial consultation.
What Is a Criminal Defense Attorney?
A criminal defense attorney is an attorney who works with those who have been charged with crimes. They help ensure that the rights of their clients are upheld throughout the entire process and do everything in their power to keep their clients from getting a criminal conviction on their records.
What Kinds of Cases Do Criminal Defense Attorneys Work On?
Criminal defense attorneys generally work on all kinds of criminal cases, including those involving felony and misdemeanor charges. Below are some of the common cases criminal defense attorneys like Hibbeler & Associates take on.
Violent Crimes
Violent crimes can include charges such as assault and murder as well as weapons charges.
Sex Crimes
Sex crimes like rape and sexual battery are serious criminal charges and require the assistance of an experienced defense attorney.
Theft Crimes
Theft crimes can include everything from petty theft and shoplifting to robbery and grand larceny.
Drug Crimes
Drug crimes usually involve charges of drug possession or possession with intent to distribute.
DUI Cases
DUI cases can be either felony or misdemeanor charges depending on the circumstances of the arrest and whether there are prior convictions.
What Should I Know About Working With a Criminal Defense Attorney?
Working with a criminal defense attorney as a client probably isn’t on anyone’s bucket list, and the experience of facing criminal charges can be a bit overwhelming and intimidating. Hiring a criminal defense attorney to represent you and fight for your rights is key, but there are some things you should be aware of.
They Are on Your Side
The first thing to remember about working with a criminal law attorney is that they are working for you. They are there to ensure that your rights are protected and that you have an experienced legal team to help you fight these charges.
They Need Full and Accurate Information to Help You
When it comes to your legal counsel, it is important to be 100 percent honest and complete with the information you give your attorney. It can be tempting to leave out parts that seem to paint you in a bad light, or that might make you seem guilty, but your communications with your legal team are privileged, and they need all of the information — even the ones you think may not be important — to be able to represent you.
There Are No Guarantees When It Comes to the Court System?
The criminal justice system can be unpredictable, especially when you are dealing with a jury trial. And while your attorney will do everything in their power to work toward a positive outcome for you, it’s important to remember that nothing is guaranteed. If you’re concerned about taking your chances with a trial or have questions about the process, your attorney can provide more information and help you understand all of your options.
How Can a Criminal Defense Lawyer Help My Case?
When you’ve been charged with a criminal offense, you need someone to ensure your legal rights are protected. That’s just one of the main responsibilities of your attorney. Below are three more ways a criminal defense lawyer can help your case.
Ensure You Understand the Charges and Penalties
Criminal charges can be complex and hard to understand, but it’s crucial that you know what you’re being charged with and why, as well as the possible penalties. An attorney has specific education in criminal law to be able to explain the laws in plain language so you can understand what’s going on.
Keep You From Further Incriminating Yourself
Another main role of your legal team is to keep you from incriminating yourself. This could be by being present when you’re being questioned by the authorities or deciding whether you should take the stand in your own defense.
Some Final Thoughts & Resources Related to Choosing The Right Defense Attorney:
You will be working closely with your attorney, so make sure they’re a good fit. You need to feel comfortable discussing your case with them and disclosing personal information about your circumstances. We realize this can be a taxing part of the process, but trust is a vital part of your relationship with your lawyer. Choosing the right defense attorney will get you the best possible representation.
Provide Counsel on the Different Defense Options
Every case is different, and the right strategy for one may not be the right strategy for another. Your legal counsel will explain your options — and the pros and cons of each — and help you decide on the right path.
You don’t have to face criminal charges alone. If you’re looking for a law firm that has experience with criminal defense cases, our team can help. Call us at 931-236-2711 to schedule a free consultation and talk with us about your case.