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Do All Felonies in Tennessee Carry Prison Time?

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A felony is a criminal charge that carries a possible prison sentence of at least one year, so yes, all felonies in Tennessee carry prison time. Misdemeanor charges can also carry prison time, but the maximum possible sentence has to be less than one year. It’s important to understand the nature of your charges and what the possible consequences are so that you can put forth the best defense possible.

A criminal defense attorney is a lawyer who works with defendants who have been charged with crimes in the Tennessee courts. Contact our firm today to speak with a member of our team about your charges and what you should do if you are facing possible prison time.

What Are Common Felonies in Tennessee?

Felony charges in Tennessee often involve violent crimes, such as rape, murder, manslaughter, and aggravated assault. It’s also possible to be charged with a felony for some drug crimes. While most theft crimes are misdemeanors, if the value of the stolen items was more than $1,000 or a weapon was involved in the theft, it could result in a felony charge. It’s also possible to be charged with a felony for a DUI if you caused an accident where someone else was injured or killed.

Can You Plead Down a Felony Charge?

It may be possible to plead down a felony charge, and if so, it’s an option that’s often worth considering. While pleading guilty to a lesser charge means that you still have a criminal conviction, it may be possible to plead guilty to a misdemeanor charge instead of a felony. This can be a strategic option to avoid facing significant prison time. A misdemeanor charge also isn’t quite as serious on your record. However, it’s also important that you make this decision with a full understanding of the pros and cons of a plea deal, so it’s something you should discuss with your attorney.

What Should I Do If I’m Charged With a Felony?

If you have been charged with a felony, the first thing you should do is obtain experienced legal representation. These are serious charges that require a serious defense, and you need someone who is equipped to provide counsel and help you navigate the criminal courts.

If you’ve been charged with a felony in Tennessee, call our law office at 931-236-2711. Our attorneys have experience representing defendants facing serious felony charges and can help you understand what’s happening and what your options are. If you choose to retain our firm, we can get straight to work representing your rights and fighting for your future.

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