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Should You Hire A Private Attorney For A DUI/DWI?

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There are over 6,000 DUI citations issued every year in the state of Tennessee. We all try to be responsible, and we hope our loved ones make the right choices too. But bad decisions happen, and driving under the influence is (unfortunately) a pretty common one. If you’re dealing with a DUI citation, you’ve likely found yourself wondering if it’s worth it to hire a private attorney. Maybe you don’t understand the legal process, and you’re worried about the cost of legal services. These concerns are normal. It is for this reason that our legal team decided to put this post together. In it, we will provide information to help you determine whether or not you should hire a private attorney for a DUI charge.

To Hire Or Not To Hire–That Is The Question.

Bottom line: You will get a more comprehensive approach to your case from an attorney you’re paying than you will from an attorney that you don’t. This may seem obvious, but it’s something that needs to be emphasized early on. You’re weighing the financial cost of legal fees against the personal cost of your case getting mishandled. It’s a difficult thing to do! First and foremost, you need to understand the process:

So You’ve Been Charged With A DUI. Now What?

After getting charged and arrested for a DUI, most people make bond within 48 hours. Then you receive an appearance date. If you hire a private attorney, the attorney will navigate this process on your behalf. They will request necessary evidence and work with the court to potentially get the charges reduced or dismissed. In order to stay informed and ensure you’re getting the best representation, you need to work with a lawyer that communicates with you and prioritizes your case. All attorneys are busy, but good lawyers have knowledgeable paralegals that can assist you when they’re in court.

You See Our Point, But What About The Cost?

Private attorneys = more comprehensive assistance. Cool. But you’re still having trouble determining whether hiring a private attorney over a court-appointed lawyer is worth the cost. We get it–finances are always a factor in these decisions. The best next step is booking a free consult with an attorney. It’s nearly impossible to attach a price tag to your case without meeting with an attorney first. There are so many factors that influence how your case will proceed and what casework is required. Promising a price before understanding your unique case is a no-go.

Take advantage of your free consult to gather information on your case. Only then can you figure out payment plans and cost of service.

Some Final Thoughts & Resources Related to Hiring A Private Attorney For A DUI/DWI:

Once you book that appointment, you can rest assured that you will get all the information you need on how the legal process works and what possibilities are available for your unique situation. For more info on how to choose the right defense attorney, check out our other blog post, “Choosing The Right Defense Attorney,” filed under the Legal Blog tab.

If you or your loved one are in need of legal representation in a criminal defense or family matter, reach out to us today.

For additional updates and information on our local court, their departments, as well as our elected officials, visit the Montgomery County Circuit Court Clerk website.

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